Can You Get Banned on Roblox for Uploading a Shirt

The Ban Hammer is often referenced in metaphors for beingness banned from Roblox, although it does non ban people.

A ban is a course of account break that can occur when a player violates the Terms of Utilise or Community Standards on Roblox. Players are typically non given warnings. If the violation is serious, such as phishing, scamming, adult content, hacking, game theft, or violation of federal law, accounts can be deleted without whatsoever prior notices or commands.

Players who receive a moderation activity while in-game are kicked and receive Error Code 273. Attempting to reconnect will alter the mistake to Error Code 769.

Roblox also moderate accounts based on international law. Previously, they only issued moderation deportment on accounts that violated US federal police; however, later on Roblox was banned in the United Arab Emirates (presumably for declining to moderate accounts co-ordinate to their laws), Roblox now moderates accounts based on the laws of other countries. For case, users tin can now request to have their accounts and all data about them deleted, and Roblox may issue moderation deportment on accounts that refuse to comply with Eu privacy laws.

Additionally, a player can receive a ban from an private game, however this ban is only carried out by a game moderator or anti-exploit plugins, non by a Roblox administrator. An admin command script is frequently used to bear out these bans.

Players are unable to view the profiles of deleted accounts. However, a bug on January 15, 2014, gave users access to view terminated business relationship profiles.[1] [2] [3] According to a forum reply past Only,[4] ambassador NobleDragon announced the bug was an update, but the proclamation was probably deleted to prevent the spread of further misinformation almost the alter.


  • 1 Ban levels
    • 1.1 Current bans
    • 1.2 Programmer Forum bans
    • one.3 Former bans
  • ii Reasons
  • 3 Moderator notes
  • 4 In-game bans
  • 5 Exploiting
  • 6 Bug
    • 6.1 Private servers
    • six.2 Audio refund incident
    • half dozen.3 Botting incident
    • 6.4 Exploiting ban wave
    • 6.5 False ban requests
    • six.half dozen Refund Method ban wave
  • 7 Appeals and membership
  • 8 Criticism
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 Gallery
  • 11 References

Ban levels

Bans can be severe or modest depending on the criminal offense. Users tin can exist banned for dissimilar lengths of time.

Users who violate Roblox'south Terms of Use will exist given one of these bans. These tin range from in-experience bans to permanent IP bans.

Before the fourteen-twenty-four hour period ban was removed, when someone receives a termination, the top might land that their account has been suspended for 14 days.

Current bans

  • In-experience ban: A user is kicked and/or banned from an experience by its administrators via admin command scripts.
  • Alarm: A user can get back into their account right away if they agree to the ToU. This level is sometimes used to provide users with feedback about their creations.
  • 1-day ban: 24 hours from the time the moderation was initiated.
  • iii-twenty-four hour period ban: 72 hours from the fourth dimension the moderation was initiated.
  • 1-week ban: one week from the time the moderation was initiated.
  • Account deletion/termination: The account has been closed and can non automatically be reopened.
  • Poison ban (1 twelvemonth/Permanent): The account has been airtight and account creation is disabled.
  • MAC Address ban (Mistake 0x1): A device becomes unable to access Roblox Player or publish in Roblox Studio.
  • IP ban (7 days): Everyone on the same IP is blocked from accessing Roblox for ane calendar week, and cannot view whatsoever pages on Roblox for 1 week.
  • Invalid Credentials ban (Permanent IP ban): Everyone on the same IP is blocked from accessing Roblox permanently, and cannot view any pages on Roblox permanently.

Developer Forum bans

  • DevForum feedback bulletin
  • DevForum strike
  • DevForum suspension
  • DevForum "Login Mistake" ban

Former bans

  • Forum purge: A user'due south forum posts would be replaced by [ Content Deleted ].
  • Reminder: Like a alert, a user tin become back into their account correct abroad if they agree to the ToU, although unlike a warning, this is given to new users or someone who does a light or mild violation of Roblox's ToU.
  • ii-week ban: 2 weeks from the fourth dimension the moderation was initiated.[5]


These reasons may appear in the content department of the moderation screen. They volition not announced in every message.

If an image is moderated, the asset name will appear with the reason Inappropriate, no matter what law-breaking it features. Sometimes it will say Adult Content.

Before the August 2020 update to the ban page, whenever an paradigm or in-game bulletin was marked as Adult Content, information technology would be replaced with a red danger sign with the writing "CONTENT BLOCKED" underneath it.

In December 2021, Roblox has added more reasons to moderation system.

NOTE: This listing is incomplete as per the contempo platform update.

  • Adult Content
  • Ban Evasion
  • Crook and Exploits
  • Exploiting children
  • Encouraging Unsafe Behavior
  • Dating and Romantic Content
  • Directing Users Off-Platform/Off-site links
  • Discriminatory
  • Harassment
  • Inappropriate
  • Misusing Roblox Systems
  • Phishing/Scam
  • Privacy
  • Profanity
  • Real-Life Tragedy
  • Unauthorized payments / charges (or refunding)
  • Scamming
  • [filtered] Content
  • Spam
  • Extortion and Blackmail
  • Privacy: Request for PII
  • Illegal and Regulated Content
  • Doxxing or leaking personal info
  • Sexual Content
  • False Bans
  • Mass Reporting
  • Other
  • None of the In a higher place

Moderator notes

Depending on what violation the player has done, these moderator notes, as reported by players, are given to each warning, ban, or account deletion (a comprehensive listing of moderator notes can be found on this Roblox Support folio). No matter what language the website is set to, moderator notes and reasons may appear in Castilian in rare cases.

Before 2014, a ban notice did not require a Moderator Annotation. It would instead display only the reason box if at that place was i.

The post-obit table contains moderator notes currently included with bans. On special occasions, a moderator annotation could bespeak out the specific problem. They are not included in this list.

Moderator Notation Alert 1-Day Ban 3-Twenty-four hour period Ban vii-24-hour interval Ban Account Deletion ane-Yr Poison Ban Permanent Poison Ban
This paradigm is not appropriate for Roblox. Delight review our rules and simply upload advisable content. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted/moderated for creating, promoting, or participating in inappropriate behavior or content. This is a violation of our Terms of Use. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
This username is not permitted on Roblox. [6] Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your account has been banned for Inappropriate Content. Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Roblox does non permit discriminatory speech communication, content, or actions based on race or ethnic origin, national origin, organized religion or religious affiliation, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. (Your game [GAME Title] has been permanently suspended.) [7] Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Your account has been suspended for violating our Terms of Use for bullying. Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
This content is not appropriate (for Roblox). Practice not chat, mail service or otherwise talk over inappropriate topics on Roblox. [8] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Exercise not upload excessively loud audio to Roblox. [9] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Nosotros're pitiful, only due to a asking from the copyright holder, we cannot permit this content on Roblox. [10] Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Please make sure all text are readable. If we cannot read the text in your image, it will not exist permitted on Roblox. [11] Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Please practice not create games, shirts, or post comments near this tragic event. We understand that you lot intended this to be a respectful memorial, but nosotros tin't risk having other players behave in an inappropriate manner in or around the content you're posting. [12] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Adult content is not tolerated on Roblox! (Image) / Developed content is non tolerated on Roblox. (Audio) Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
This account has been closed due to violating Roblox terms of service. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted for theft of an account and/or it's assets. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Account has been deleted/suspended for unauthorized/disputed charges. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Dating or other inappropriate beliefs is not acceptable on Roblox. QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Dating is non permitted on Roblox. [13] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Dating, [filtered], or other inappropriate behavior is not adequate on Roblox. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Exercise not post spam. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Do not repeatedly mail or spam conversation or content in Roblox. [xiv] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
This audio file contains content that is inappropriate for Roblox. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been moderated for creating, promoting, or participating in inappropriate behavior or content within your game script. This is a violation of our Terms of Utilise. (Your game "[GAME TITLE]" has been permanently suspended.) Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted for violating the Terms of Service for business relationship theft. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted for violating the Terms of Service for inappropriate behavior. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Account suspended for billing review. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
This is your final warning. Your account has been suspended for continuing to violate our Terms of Apply by exploiting. If you proceed, your account and all of your associated accounts will be deleted. Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Standing to spam Roblox's Customer Support squad with tickets almost your closed business relationship will upshot in all of your accounts being permanently airtight and you no longer being welcome on Roblox. This is your simply alarm. Your display name is also inappropriate and will be removed. [15] Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
We're sorry, simply selfies or other personal photos are not permitted on Roblox. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Please do non upload personal photos to Roblox. Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Exercise not harass other users. Do non say inappropriate or hateful things about others on Roblox. [16] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Dating and shipping images are not permitted on Roblox. Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Scamming is a violation of the Terms of Service. Do non continue to scam on Roblox. [17] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Practise not (swear,) apply profanity or otherwise say inappropriate things in Roblox. [18] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Practice not use the player's piece of work without permission. Stealing and posting the piece of work of other users is against Roblox rules and can upshot in termination of the account. Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
The but links you are allowed to share in are,,, and twitch.goggle box. Posting other links even in images volition result in further moderation actions to your account. [xix] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted for violating the Terms of Service. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Impersonating Roblox staff is a violation of our rules. If you continue to do so, your account will be discipline to additional moderation actions. [twenty] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your username is not advisable for Roblox due to privacy concerns. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your account has been deleted for violating the Terms of Use for exploiting the sound refunds system. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted for violating our Terms of Use for exploiting. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Practice non ask for or give out personal, real-life, or private information on Roblox. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been moderated because ane or more of the charges on the account were reported equally unauthorized or disputed by the billing business relationship holder. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Exploiting isn't permitted on Roblox. [21] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Do not create accounts simply for the purpose of breaking the rules. [22] Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Your account has been deleted as per your request. Cheers for existence a part of the ROBLOX community. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Uploading distorted audio files is non permitted. Please make sure your files can exist easily and clearly heard. Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Exercise non create ads that claim to pay players for joining your grouping. Because Roblox cannot enforce these deals, they are a violation of the rules. Further attempts to create these ads will result in additional moderation actions on your account. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Do not postal service about your moderation actions, or boosted moderation deportment may be taken against your account. If yous would like to discuss your bans, please utilise the Appeals system every bit described in your ban study. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
After further review, this account has been deleted for making unauthorized charges. Ever take permission before making any purchases. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
This nugget is not appropriate for Roblox. Please review our rules and upload appropriate content. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Do non use player's work without their permission. Stealing and posting of other user is confronting the Roblox rules, continuing to practise so will upshot in your business relationship's termination. [23] Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
This account has been airtight/deleted due to a violation of our Terms of Service. Do not create games intended to scam other players. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
The just links y'all are immune to post on Roblox are links, links, links, and links. No other links are allowed. Posting any other links will upshot in further moderation actions. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Please do non create ads that encourage players to endeavour to click them multiple times. We understand that y'all desire as many people to visit your place as possible; however, these ads are not permitted on Roblox. Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
It violates the TOS to buy and sell ROBLOX virtual items or currency for real-world bounty. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Closed as a compromised account. / Closing account every bit compromised. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your account has been moderated for violating the Terms of Service for games with improperly filtered chat. Delight see your PMs for more information, after your suspension has been completed. (If you continue to upload this content, your account volition exist deleted.) Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted for violating the Terms of Service for games with improperly filtered chat. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Uploading stolen game copies of any game is non permitted on Roblox. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
This business relationship has been deleted for disputed charges. Always have permission before making a purchase. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
We're sorry, but due to a DMCA request from the copyright holder, items may accept been removed or inverse in your account. Further inappropriate use of copyrighted material may result in the termination of your account. Please bank check your PMs for more information. / Nosotros would like to inform you that allegedly infringing content may accept been removed or changed in your account. Further inappropriate utilize of copyrighted material may result in additional action taken against your account in accordance with our Copyright Guidance. Please bank check your PMs for more information. Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
The derogatory/misogynistic language you are using here is not permitted on Roblox. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Posting information that claims to be able to exploit Roblox is a violation of our Terms of Service. If you continue to do so, your account will exist discipline to further moderation actions. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
This content is not appropriate for Roblox. Content or avatars created to simulate nudity or underwear/undergarments are not permitted. Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your user proper name is inappropriate for Roblox and will (need to) exist inverse. If yous accept a verified email on your business relationship, you lot will receive an email with an updated user proper noun. If you do not have a verified email, please contact for (further) assistance. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Do not create games that offer Robux as a prize. These kinds of games are considered scams, as there is not an official system to guarantee a prize. If you persist in creating these games, your account will be subject to boosted moderation actions. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Advertising Robux payouts are prohibited as there is non a system that ensures specific rules are followed or that the offered prize is granted. We realize you did non intend to scam, but please do not offer these on Roblox. Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your account has been deleted for making disputed/unauthorized charges. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Do not create games intended to scam other players! Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
This image is also revealing for Roblox. Delight edit this image to brand it more age-appropriate. Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Creating items with the intent of trying to become around Roblox'south rules is not permitted. Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Clothing featuring cerise armbands are not permitted on Roblox. Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
When using Roblox, y'all may not link to any external websites or services, except for: Guilded, YouTube, Facebook, Discord, Twitter, and Twitch. Links to any of those approved sites must be wrapped in the applicable Policy API or listed in the Social Networks and Social Links settings of your profile or experience description page. Links that announced in locations where the API cannot be deployed are prohibited. [24] Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been airtight due to violations of our DMCA Repeat Infringer Policy. Delight review our Terms of Service for boosted information. (You are prohibited from creating a new account on Roblox.) Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Your business relationship has been deleted for botting, ban evasion, and connected violations of the Terms of Use. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
This account has been closed due to exploiting and/or botting behavior. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted for violating the Terms of Use for creating false and misleading content. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted for violating the Terms of Service for using an exploit to create an account. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Having adult content within your game's scripts has resulted in the deletion of your game. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your proper noun is inappropriate every bit it is a real-life proper name and will need to be changed. If yous have a verified email to your business relationship, and then you will get an e-mail and so be unbanned with an updated username. If you don't have a verified email, then delight make a new account. / Your name is inappropriate as it is a real-life name. Please create a new account with a proper name that is not a real-life name and a safety concern. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your account has been deleted for ownership Robux from Third party websites. This is a violation to our Terms of Utilise. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Please exercise not create accounts for the purpose of making names not existence able to be used. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
At that place is no legitimate information to verify account ownership. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your account has been suspended for violating our Terms of Use for exploiting and botting the purchasing system. The exploited purchases have as well been removed from your account. If you go on to violate the Terms of Employ, your account and all of your associated accounts will be deleted. [25] QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Don't create inappropriate games on Roblox. / Don't make inappropriate games/places/models on Roblox. Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Having [Asset Name] in your game ("[GAME NAME]") leads to the deletion of your game. QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Due to a DMCA notification of claimed infringement from a copyright holder, items may have inverse or removed in your business relationship. Farther inappropriate utilise of copyrighted material will result in the termination of your account. This is your terminal warning. Please check your PMs for more information after your moderation activity is over. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Use of game exploits in Roblox is a violation of our Terms of Service. We understand that y'all used these for testing purposes, and recognize this wasn't done with malicious intent. However, It is non permitted on Roblox. Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Use of game exploits in Roblox is a violation of our Terms of Service. If you lot continue to do so, your business relationship will exist subject field to further moderation actions. QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been chastened for buying, selling, or trading Robux or virtual Roblox items outside of the Roblox website. QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted per parent request. / Account deleted per parent request. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your business relationship has been deleted for violating our Terms of Apply for toy lawmaking theft. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been chastened for violating the Terms of Utilise by botting the sales system with the intent to capitalize off pricing errors. QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been moderated considering of Gift Menu Theft. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
We're sorry, but audio featuring your voice or other personal information is not allowed on Roblox. Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Delight practise non create badges which become permanently unavailable. These badges encourage account theft and are not tolerated on Roblox. Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your beliefs is not permitted on Roblox. Please abide the rules. / Your beliefs is not tolerated on Roblox. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your user proper noun is inappropriate for Roblox. For further assistance, please contact u.s. via the Support Form. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
This business relationship has been terminated as a potentially compromised account every bit well every bit for mass boot players from groups, money laundering and other deceptive practices. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been suspended pending billing review. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
You lot are no longer welcome on Roblox due to violating our Terms of Apply for inappropriate behavior. / You lot are no longer allowed on / You are no longer welcome on Roblox. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Your account has been deleted for unauthorized/disputed charges. Therefore, Yous accept been banned other times, and then we will not have/await whatsoever appeals from you. You are no longer welcome to the website/ROBLOX. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
You are permanently restrained from Roblox for creating or participating in illegal groups. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Contact Customer Service. QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
You have repeatedly bullied other players on this site. Yous have made multiple games and images showing the deaths of other players on this site. You have been warned many, many times that your behavior was inappropriate. Your account is now deleted. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Mass deleting,accounts were either caught creating [filtered] games or purchasing privileges in [filtered] games.If an entreatment is received, please review and reopen if the account is legitimate. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your account has been closed for impersonating Roblox employees. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Your business relationship has been deleted for using [Nugget NAME] in your game [GAME Proper noun]. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Roblox ToS Violation Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
Your account has been deleted for creating, promoting, or participating in inappropriate behavior or content. This is a violation of our Terms of Use. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Roblox doesn't permit the use of "[MODEL]". Your game "[GAME LINK]" has been permanently suspended for having inappropriate content. This is violation of our terms of use. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been Moderated for creating, promoting, or participating in inappropriate behavior or content. Discriminatory content is not permitted on Roblox. This is a violation of our Terms of Use. Having [MODEL]/[Nugget NAME] in your game "[GAME NAME]" leads to the deletion of your game./Roblox does non permit discriminatory speech, content, or actions based on race or ethnic origin, national origin, religion or religious affiliation, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Having [MODEL]/[Asset Proper name] in your game "[GAME NAME]" has resulted the deletion of your game. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Changing your username to impersonate the user [USERNAME] is in violation of the Terms of Service. Practise not continue to impersonate on Roblox./ Your account has been moderated due to impersonating the user "[USERNAME]" (If you go on to impersonate, your account will be deleted.) [26] QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png
Your account has been deleted for violating the Terms of Utilize on multiple accounts.[27] Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png Tick2.0.png
Your game "[GAME Proper name]" has been suspended for manipulating the purchasing system by attempting to strength clicking on purchasing options. Exercise non design your purchase windows to appear on unrelated game deportment or to endeavour to forcefulness users to accidentally click on them. Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
This account has been closed. Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png
[filtered] is not tolerated on Roblox.[28] Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Cross2.0.png Tick2.0.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png QuestionMarkSymbol.png

In-game bans

An in-game ban, not given past Roblox staff, but instead by game owners or players with admin powers within a place, only restricts the player's access to a specific game. These bans tin can range from being kicked from a server to being permanently banned from a game. If a player is banned from a game, they are usually restricted from access until the server is shut downwards unless another i is running. Players with in-game bans nevertheless take access to the Roblox website, their own places, and other games they can access. This ban will not affect your moderation history across the platform.

However, some places may cake access to specific players and theoretically ban them; this commonly occurs in group-run places with restrictions imposed on other groups or users. A role player who is blocked from a game may also be immediately kicked from the server. This can besides happen to whatever player if a server is locked by an in-game admin (you will not have admission to the server unless it is unlocked or restarted).

Some bans may exist due to an owner-bias or incidents in Discord servers.


Exploiting is a major violation of the Terms of Service and can consequence in low-cal or harsh moderation action depending on the severity of the exploit. For this reason, exploiters commonly do their business exploiting on alternating accounts (even so this can backfire if the account is IP banned, in which case they may likewise choose to utilise a VPN). Due to this evasion method, information technology is very difficult to capture an exploiter.

However, at that place are other techniques that developers can use to identify exploiters. For instance, in Shedletsky's Sword Fight on the Heights IV, the game had a bluecoat unobtainable without exploiting, Touch on The Divine. If this badge is awarded (even once), the awarder will likely be banned for exploiting.


Private servers

If an account is banned or terminated and has an agile subscription to a individual server, the subscription will keep after each renewal appointment as long as they nevertheless have sufficient Robux in the business relationship to rent another month of the server, pregnant that the banned account volition lose Robux. It is unknown whether this will e'er be patched.

Audio refund incident

An account termination from the audio refund incident.

On July 4, 2018, thousands of Roblox accounts received an account deletion with the moderator note Your business relationship has been deleted for violating the Terms of Apply for exploiting the audio refunds system. subsequently receiving a double refund for uploading audio that was rejected afterwards its first review. Roblox appear their reinstatement of affected accounts. A similar incident after occurred in 2020.

Botting incident

On Oct 17, 2018, thousands of Roblox accounts received an account deletion with the moderator annotation Roblox ToS Violation. This ban wave primarily targeted bot users due to scams that were being perpetrated by them, although some innocent users which included known developers and traders were affected as well. All terminations from the incident were given out at four:51:49 PM.

Exploiting ban moving ridge

On Apr 24, 2020, and December 4, 2020, many users received bans of varying fourth dimension amounts for "exploiting", as a way to target the working exercise of exploiting using any Lua scripting exploit, while the Dec ban wave specifically targeting Synapse users. Whether or not a bulk of the users were innocent is debated. Some of the targeted users were banned for using FPS unlockers, despite Roblox'due south consensus that they are immune. The ban wave took place between nine:38 and 9:42 PDT in April and from 1:07 CT in December and concluded on 10:00 EST.

Fake ban requests

In Jan 2021, users were intentionally abusing the Roblox Support form to falsely merits they were the parent of a user and request their account to be terminated. Affected users include Roblox YouTubers LisaGaming_YT and Parlophones.

Refund Method ban moving ridge

In 2021, players found a style to go Robux for free. They would pay for the robux and and so go dorsum their coin (refunding). They would get a lot of robux by just refunding. As shortly as it came to Roblox's attending, they patched the glitch and terminated nearly of the accounts that did the glitch. Roblox too gave 2d chances to some players past removing the unauthorized charges.

Players that did the glitch and were terminated received the post-obit moderator annotation: "Your business relationship has been moderated considering one or more of the charges on the account were reported as unauthorized or disputed by the billing account holder."

Appeals and membership

The new membership notice for terminated users used since Baronial 2020.

The ban appeals were implemented in 2012. The original appeal target was, and in 2020 the target was changed to the Back up Form. However, an appeal can nonetheless exist sent to

Users are encouraged to appeal a moderation action through the Roblox Support grade. If the moderation action is deemed incorrect, information technology can be lifted. Appeal responses may take a while, from 12 hours when at that place's no traffic up to vii days when the traffic is piled up, and fifty-fifty more.

Sometimes Roblox accepts appeals from terminated players after the allowed time to brand an appeal. For case, in April 2021, 3Zeuss's appeal was accustomed. The user had been terminated for 96 days.

Terminated players with an active Roblox Premium subscription receive an additional notification. This notification identifies when the player's Roblox membership will expire or renew and how to cancel their membership subscription if desired.


A popular rumor spread throughout 2011–2013 claimed that moderator MSE6 banned/deleted users for no reason.

Roblox has been heavily criticized for their poor moderation on user accounts in the by couple of years. Many players merits to have received a fake ban, and contact Support to receive a answer saying they cannot help.

A notable case of a false ban was when a user named ambusher11 was terminated in Feb 2020. Ambusher posted about the termination on the Roblox subreddit; in the post (which was later removed by subreddit moderators due to a rule violation), Ambusher claimed to have been targeted by a user who requested a support ticket, typed it out with caps lock and curse words, requesting their account to exist terminated. The ticket was approved and as a result, ambusher11's account was deleted for being compromised. All of the appeals were denied, stating that he is not the owner of that account.[29] [30] In the replies of ambusher11's Reddit post, many users were disappointed that Roblox had accepted the asking. The account'southward termination has not been lifted.

As there are many wealthy users on Roblox, their accounts tin exist targets for users to steal. On January 26, 2021, a wealthy Roblox YouTuber named ImFaire appear on Twitter that his account was compromised.[31] His valuable express items and account were lost in the process. Roblox Support later lifted ImFaire'southward business relationship termination.


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • According to Shedletsky (Telamon at the time), the first problematic user that Roblox staff encountered on the platform was establish on October 17, 2006.[32] However, information technology is unknown who the user was.
  • In September 2020, the ban notice was redesigned to back up dark mode. The Robux balance at present displays every bit "?" for a banned user.
  • A glitch on the mobile app occasionally causes the player to run across a bulletin claiming their account is terminated when they have received no recent moderation actions.
  • Information technology is possible to receive a ban while already banned, allowing unusual total ban times, like ix.v days.
  • If an account that opened Roblox Studio beginning on the IP gets banned, the business relationship gets poison banned from Studio until the time closes.[commendation needed]
  • Users used to be able to view their Moderation History. Previously, but parent accounts could practise so[citation needed]. This feature was removed in 2016.
  • In 2014, a glitch added a reactivation option to the deletion folio. Though this glitch is patched, those deletion pages still prove the reactivation option.[commendation needed] The reactivation selection will still appear on a user's deletion folio if an appeal they submit is accustomed.
  • Before 2009, the website used to display "Reported" instead of ''Reviewed'' and the reason displays in a box instead of "Reason: [Reason]". The moderator note does not include "Moderator Note:" in some bans in 2008. Before in 2008, It used to display "Source: Chat".



  6. Used to be Inappropriate usernames are not allowed on Roblox. and Bad username.
  7. Used to be Hate oral communication is not tolerated on ROBLOX! and This content is not appropriate. Hate speech is not permitted on Roblox.
  8. Used to exist Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX.
  9. Used to exist Exercise not upload excessively loud audio files to ROBLOX.
  10. Used to exist We're sorry, but due to copyright reasons we cannot allow this Intellectual Property onto the site.
  11. Used to be This paradigm contains text which is not clearly visible. Try to re-upload the prototype with readable text size. and Please brand sure all text is able to exist hands read. If we cannot read the text in your image, information technology will non be permitted on Roblox.
  12. Likely refers to games made that are memorials/represent the September 11th Attacks
  13. Used to be Dating is not allowed on ROBLOX.
  14. Used to exist Delight don't spam on ROBLOX.
  16. Used to be Do not say inappropriate or mean things about others on ROBLOX! and Do not repeatedly say inappropriate or mean things virtually others on ROBLOX!
  17. Used to be Practise not endeavor to scam others on ROBLOX!
  18. Used to exist Don't say inappropriate things on ROBLOX. and Don't say inappropriate things on ROBLOX just to be mean.
  19. Used to exist Don't post off-site links on ROBLOX. All links should become to world wide simply.
  20. Used to be Do not impersonate admins.
  21. Used to be Exploiting is not permitted on ROBLOX.
  22. Used to be Don't create accounts just to harass users or interruption rules.
  23. Used to be Do non apply other players' work without their permission. Stealing and posting the work of other users is against the ROBLOX rules, standing to do so volition issue in your business relationship's termination.
  27. Ruben Sim: I Got Banned. Archive of the original.
  32. https://www.gamedev.internet/forums/topic/419919-best-fashion-to-ban-users/


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