Is There a Monkey in My Family Tree

Inquire the states a question! Use the contact class to ask your question about our piece of work and you may run into your question -- and answer -- on this website, or in the 'Evolution FAQ' kiosk in the David H. Koch Hall of Man Origins.

How does evolution work?

To survive, living things adapt to their surroundings. Occasionally a genetic variation gives ane fellow member of a species an edge. That individual passes the benign factor on to its descendents. More individuals with the new trait survive and pass information technology on to their descendents. If many benign traits arise over time, a new species—better equipped to come across the challenges of its environment—evolves.

Pyramid of mice depiction change over time.

What do scientists mean when they call development a theory?

Like gravity and plate tectonics, evolution is a scientific theory. In science, a theory is the virtually logical explanation for how a natural phenomenon works. Information technology is well tested and supported by arable evidence. It means quite the opposite from our breezy employ of the word theory, which implies an untested stance or gauge. As a scientific theory, evolution enables scientists to make predictions and drives investigations that atomic number 82 to new kinds of appreciable show.

How does development explicate complex organisms similar humans?

Evolution doesn't happen all at one time, especially in complex organisms such as homo beings. Modern humans are the product of evolutionary processes that go dorsum more 3.v billion years, to the ancestry of life on Earth. We became human gradually, evolving new physical traits and behaviors on top of those inherited from before primates, mammals, vertebrates, and the very oldest living organisms.

How are humans and monkeys related?

Humans and monkeys are both primates. But humans are not descended from monkeys or whatsoever other primate living today. Nosotros do share a common ape antecedent with chimpanzees. It lived between viii and 6 one thousand thousand years agone. Only humans and chimpanzees evolved differently from that same antecedent. All apes and monkeys share a more distant relative, which lived about 25 meg years agone.

Common Ape ancestor

Did humans evolve in a direct line, i species after some other?

Human evolution, like evolution in other species, did not go along in a straight line. Instead, a diversity of species diverged from common ancestors, similar branches on a bush. Our species, Homo sapiens, is the only survivor. But there were many times in the past when several early human species lived at the same fourth dimension.

Human Evolution Timeline

Isn't development controversial amidst scientists?

Evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology. In that location is no scientific controversy about whether evolution occurred or whether information technology explains the history of life on Earth. Every bit in all fields of science, knowledge most development continues to increase through enquiry and serious argue. For case, scientists go along to investigate the details of how evolution occurred and to refine exactly what happened at different times.

How do scientists know the historic period of fossils?

Scientists take developed more than than a dozen methods for determining the age of fossils, homo artifacts, and the sediments in which such bear witness is found. These methods can engagement objects millions of years one-time. What'due south more, the methods tin can exist tested confronting one another to provide a highly reliable record of the by. Read more about dating methods hither.

Aging fossils graphic with skulls.

How do scientists know what by climates were like?

Among the major sources of bear witness are sediment cores from the ocean lesser. They preserve the fossils of tiny organisms called foraminifera. By measuring oxygen in the skeletons of these organisms, scientists tin calculate fluctuations in temperature and moisture over millions of years. Some of the most dramatic climate fluctuations in all of Earth'south history occurred during the period of human evolution.

How do scientists know what past climates were like?

What has been discovered about evolution since Darwin?

A lot! Since Darwin died in 1882, findings from many fields have confirmed and greatly expanded on his ideas. Nosotros've learned that Globe is old enough for all known species to have evolved. We've discovered DNA, which confirms that all organisms are related to 1 some other. And we've uncovered millions of fossils that provide prove of how one life course evolved into some other over time.

Can the concept of evolution co-be with religious faith?

Some members of both religious and scientific communities consider evolution to be opposed to religion. But others run into no conflict between religion as a matter of faith and evolution equally a matter of science. Even so others see a much stronger and effective relationship between religious perspectives and evolution. Many religious leaders and organizations take stated that development is the best caption for the wondrous variety of life on Earth.

How can we reduce the conflict between religion and science?

Many scientists are people of organized religion who run into opportunities for respectful dialogue nigh the relationship between religion and science. Some people consider science and faith as 2 divide areas of human understanding that enrich their lives in different ways. This Museum encourages visitors to explore new scientific findings and decide how these findings complement their ideas about the natural earth.

What about the gaps in knowledge nearly human development?

In scientific discipline, gaps in noesis are the driving force behind the ongoing study of the natural world and how it arose. The science of human origins is a vibrant field in which new discoveries continually add to our agreement of how nosotros became human. You tin can acquire about some of the most recent findings in this exhibit.

How does scientific noesis well-nigh development relate to cultural beliefs about our origins?

Societies worldwide express their beliefs through a wide multifariousness of stories almost how humans came into being. These stories reflect the universal curiosity people have nearly our origins. For millennia, they accept played a vital role in helping people develop an identity and an understanding of themselves as well equally of their community. This exhibit presents research and findings based on scientific methods that are distinct from these stories.


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